Friday, January 17, 2014

UF is Dedicated to Creating More Study Space

Check out my Letter to the Editor that ran in the Alligator today:

President Machen recently unveiled a plan to create more student study space on the first floor of Marston Science Library.  I could not be more supportive of this decision.  According to the Student Experience in the Research University (SERU) survey, UF students identify more study space as the biggest need at UF. 
The plan to add study space for nearly 700 students is a much needed improvement.  Student Government recognizes the need for more study space, and we are working to create even more study locations on campus.
One of my biggest priorities this semester is to secure funding to transform Newell Hall into a study space equipped with the latest technology and infrastructure to support the needs of students in the 21st century.  Newell Hall, when combined with the new plans for Marston, will increase student study space by 40 percent.
I will be working with External Affairs Chair, Abby Whiddon to lobby the state legislature in the upcoming session, but we are going to need some help.  We will need the entire student body to help us show the elected officials in Tallahassee that renovating Newell Hall is a project worth investing in.
Go Gators,
Christina Bonarrigo
UF Student Body President

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