Monday, January 27, 2014

Distinguished Professor Lecture and Lunch on the Lawn

Professor Leslie Paul Thiele, professor of political theory and Director of Sustainability Studies, will present a lecture on "Fostering a Culture of Responsible Creativity" today at 4:00 in the Presidents Ballroom at Emerson Alumni Hall.  Professor Thiele studies the intersection of political philosophy, the natural sciences and sustainability.  He has many published articles and several books. His lecture will examine the responsibilities of citizenship and opportunities for leadership in our rapidly changing world.  This lecture is sponsored by the Faculty Senate, and is part of the "2014 UF Faculty Senate-sponsord Distinguished Professor Lectures" series.  Refreshments will be provided.

Tomorrow (Tuesday) marks my first Lunch on the Lawn of the semester.  We will be serving Chick-Fil-A from 12:30-2:00 pm in the Reitz Union Breezeway (outside near the RedBoxes and Wells Fargo).  I'm looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow and can't wait to discuss everything that SG has planned for this semester!

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