Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Florida Student Association

This Friday I will meet with the student body presidents from Florida's 10 other public universities in our monthly Florida Student Association meeting. We are gearing up for the spring semester and will focus on our spring legislative agenda.

FSA has the privilege to represent the 300,000 students that attend Florida's public universities.  The president of FSA serves on the State University System's Board of Governors and represents student interests in a state wide level. This semester, I am focusing on FSA's legislative agenda. As the external Vice President for the Florida Student Association, I am charged with organizing Rally in Tally, a day-long summit in Tallahassee where students from across the state voice their concerns about higher education in Florida and lobby the state government.

I'm looking forward to meeting with my friends from Florida's other public universities, and will continue to provide updates on what FSA is doing for students across Florida.

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