Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Community Leaders Dinner at the Governor's

Last night I, along with other University of Florida student leaders, had the honor of attending Governor Rick Scott's Community Leaders Dinner that was held at the Governor's Mansion in Tallahassee. I am incredibly proud to represent the Gator Nation and was truly honored to be able to attend such an exquisite event and be surrounded by other notables from all over the state. Seeing how dedicated and hardworking the leaders and members of our state government are keeps my staff and I motivated and striving to be the absolute best we can be while representing such an amazing university. Go Gators!

Monday, August 26, 2013

Welcome Back Video

The fall semester is finally upon us. As we get back into the full swing of things, I wanted to share my welcome back video with the entire student body.

Speaking from personal experience, I understand that the beginning of the semester can be a very busy, stressful, yet also fun time. There is a plethora of opportunities available for students to get involved with during this time of year, so don't wait to get involved! I firmly believe that with 900 student organizations there is something out there for everyone, including freshman who are just starting class for the first time. The sooner you find your niche here at UF, the better your overall experience will be.

Some of the organizations and resources I outlined in my video include Greek organizations, the Alumni Association, the Career Resource Center, and Student Government. These are a few great examples of involvement opportunities that can truly enhance your college experience.

Again, I encourage everyone to work hard, get involved in something your passionate about, and have fun while doing it. I hope everyone is having a great start to their semester and is exicted about what the near future has in store! Oh...and don't forget to stay classy, Gators.

Friday, August 23, 2013

First Week Of Fall In Review

Although we haven't even had a full week of school yet, I feel like so much has happened! After being home for a few days between Summer B and Fall, I came back to help with UF move-in at our residence halls. I remember the first time moving into my dorm and how exciting and exhausting that was, so I decided to help by passing out waters to students and parents.

On Monday, I was given the amazing opportunity to speak to all 1st year students at UF. It was so awesome seeing the Class of 2017 for the first time all together at Convocation. It is crazy to think that the next time this group will be all together is at graduation!

I also began my graduate classes this week. While I know this semester will be challenging, I am looking forward to learning more about my program and eventually having my Masters of Science in Management.

This Fall is off to a great start and I can't wait to see what else it brings. Already there is so much going on! If you are interested in Student Government like I was when I came here, applications are already out for ACCENT Speaker's Bureau, Student Government Productions and Freshman Leadership Council so be sure to check those out on our website! If you have any questions, come see us on the 3rd floor of the Reitz Union. Go Gators!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Good Luck This Fall

I can't believe that today is the first day of the Fall semester! Whether this is your first semester here or last, Fall semester in the Swamp is a time like no other. Between the various events, student organization opportunities, intramurals and Gator Football, something is always going on here!

I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a great first day and encourage you to do the things you love to do on this campus and find your niche here. There is nothing more rewarding than finding your place within a student body of more than 50,000 students. 

Have a great day and if you ever have any questions about anything, always feel free to reach me at my office on the 3rd floor of the Reitz Union

Thursday, August 8, 2013

See You In The Fall!

Today marks my last post of the summer. It has been such an amazing experience serving as your Student Body President so far and I can't wait to see what Fall brings.

If you ever have anything you would like to talk to me about or things you think Student Government should be doing, never hesitate to contact me. Like all SG officials, my office is on the 3rd floor of the Reitz Union.

In the Fall I will continue to use this blog to keep students informed on things I am doing as well as helpful tips for being a UF student, so stay tuned!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Finally, Finals Are Here!

Finally, we are reaching the end of the semester so that only means one thing: finals. While finals can be a very stressful time there are a few things you can do to make yourself a little less stressed.

First, pace yourself. If you have a lot of material, make sure you have enough time to sufficiently cover it all. Also, you might run into a situation when you have two or three finals on the same day. For this you will need to plan ahead. Making a study schedule for situations like these can be very helpful.

Remember your basic needs. Just because it is finals doesn't mean you should be pulling all-nighters for a week. It's healthy to let your body and mind rest no matter how many physics problems you have left to do.

If your final is in the form of a paper, also make sure you leave yourself enough time to properly write and do research for it. Also, remember that there is no excuse to copy and paste.

These are just a few things that I have experienced and I hope they help you. Good luck!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Get Involved This Fall

With the Summer session nearing an end, some of you might have already begun thinking about what things you want to do this Fall. While UF offers more than 900 student organizations, containing pre-professional societies, various student unions and several Greek chapters in different councils, I have found that there is no better way to get involved than with Student Government.

Being a part of Student Government has been one of the greatest things I've done with my time at UF. While I started as a member of the Student Senate, during my four years I have been able to work closely with my fellow SG officials and through this, I have learned all about our different agencies, directorships and cabinets and what they have to offer.

Moreover, our Student Government is always adapting to enhance the student experience. I think that is why I have enjoyed being a part of SG; I truly enjoy seeing the projects I have undertaken really help students on this campus that I love!

There are many things you can do to get involved with SG. First, I recommend liking our Facebook page and following our Twitter account. On here you can find postings about open positions as well as events which will allow you to learn more about SG. I also would encourage you to check the SG website regularly. The website is home to all of our applications as well as lists of immediate openings.

If you ever find yourself in the Reitz with some time to kill, feel free to come up and talk to an SG official in person, anyone would be happy to talk to you about what opportunities are available!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Spend This Sunday With SG

This Sunday, Student Government is having a big day, and bathing suits are required! With two great events, there is no better way to spend your Sunday.

Starting at 1 p.m., the Innovation Academy Cabinet will be hosting its first ever event, Tiki Splash. Tiki Splash will take place at Broward Pool and will have food, a dj, fun games and a small tabling fair for organizations geared towards helping IA students adjust and find a niche at UF. 

At 4 p.m., just a few feet away in the Yulee Pit, SG and IRHA are teaming up to put on an end of summer BBQ, Summer B Bash for all students. The part of this event I'm looking forward to however is the 36 ft. water-slide IRHA is bringing in! There is no better way to cool off in the summer! 

This event will also have free food and is a great way for students to meet SG and IRHA officials and learn about ways to get involved with each organization. If it rains, the event will be moved to the Yulee Basement.

Both of these events serve as great ways for students to relax before the end of the semester comes with stressful finals and move outs. I look forward to seeing everyone there!