Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Finally, Finals Are Here!

Finally, we are reaching the end of the semester so that only means one thing: finals. While finals can be a very stressful time there are a few things you can do to make yourself a little less stressed.

First, pace yourself. If you have a lot of material, make sure you have enough time to sufficiently cover it all. Also, you might run into a situation when you have two or three finals on the same day. For this you will need to plan ahead. Making a study schedule for situations like these can be very helpful.

Remember your basic needs. Just because it is finals doesn't mean you should be pulling all-nighters for a week. It's healthy to let your body and mind rest no matter how many physics problems you have left to do.

If your final is in the form of a paper, also make sure you leave yourself enough time to properly write and do research for it. Also, remember that there is no excuse to copy and paste.

These are just a few things that I have experienced and I hope they help you. Good luck!

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