Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Tips For A Successful Summer B

Welcome to Summer B! Like many of you, I started my class yesterday. As the summer begins, I am looking back on some of the things that I have learned over the years and things, which I think will help make your summer great! If you have anything to add, be sure to comment down below!

-You don’t need to buy your books from a bookstore- Look around, check online and look through Facebook groups such as UF Textbook Exchange and you are bound to find the best deals.

-Stay dry. Although that can be tough, an umbrella is a must. Rain jackets and rain boots are also great investments, which can last even beyond your college years

 -Get involved! Summer is the perfect chance to join that club you were interested in during the fall or spring but never had time to check out.

-Remember to stay safe. Although there are less people on campus, always make sure to walk with a friend at night and utilize things such as SNAP and Gotcha.

-Keep cool. Gainesville can rise to unbearable temperatures, so be sure to hydrate and visit places like Lake Wauberg frequently for a dip.

-Explore the campus. Summer is a great time to discover something at the Florida Museum or the Harn or find that awesome new study space you’ve been looking for!

-Enjoy the city. Gainesville has many natural areas that can make fun day-trips. While you have the extra time this summer, take a ride over to Paynes Prairie or Devil’s Millhopper and see what these places are all about.

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