Tuesday, July 22, 2014

The Gator Nation is Everywhere!

Hey Gators,

This past week has been awesome and I am excited to share some of the new initiatives that Student Government and I have been working on:
Today, I launched a new social media campaign! I created my @UFSBPrez Twitter and @UFSBPrez Instagram accounts as a way for you to stay updated on all I am working on. This campaign will allow me to connect with you all and hopefully create open lines of communication by allowing students to re-tweet, tweet @, comment, and like anything that SG and I do throughout the year.
I am also excited to announce the start of my Lunch on the Lawns – another way for me to hear from and get to know you all. I’ll be hosting these throughout the year as an opportunity for me to reach out to students. If you have any spare time next Tuesday, and are craving the Chick-Fil-A you didn’t get on Sunday, please feel free to stop by the Plaza of the Americas. As a college student the only thing better than Chick-Fil-A is FREE Chick-Fil-A. I will be at the Plaza of the Americas next Tuesday, July 29th at 11am ready to answer any questions you all may have.

In addition, last weekend SG had the opportunity to visit the University of Auburn for the SEC Exchange. Each summer all 14 Student Government’s get together at one of our schools and exchange ideas, collaborate, and work through problems with one another to bring back successful initiatives to our campus. We gained a lot from the experience and I am looking forward to getting to work on some exciting new proposals! A couple of things that stood out were the campuses that had food pantries, unique nighttime transportation options, and one that I thought was really awesome – check it out here from Mizzou: http://msa.missouri.edu/trumans-closet/
Auburn, like the University of Florida, is a large, public, land-grand university with rich tradition. Here is a picture of our Student Government outside of Samford Hall – one of the oldest buildings at Auburn that is now home to their administration (kind of like Tigert Hall at UF).

At the conference we presented on our new Reitz Student Union as well as our mobile safety application – Tap Shield, among many of our other projects. Check out this cool article about Tap Shield here from USA Today: http://college.usatoday.com/2014/07/18/walking-alone-on-campus-there-are-apps-for-that/.  

Thanks for keeping up with the blog! Check back later this week for some fun things to do this summer!

Go Gators!

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